The Teacup

A bowl of oranges and cinnamon sticks with leaves.

What is a Tea Bowl?

August 20, 2021

First thing in the morning I brew a cup of tea and then the fun begins! What should I add to the tea? Maybe a bay leaf and orange slice? Perhaps a chunk of cinnamon with one clove and an…

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A cup of tea with some herbs on the side

A Cup of Rosemary Tea

August 20, 2021

Rosemary  Tea You will need:   2 small rosemary sprigs and 1 cup boiling water Put rosemary sprigs (2-3 inches) into your mug.  Pour water over the rosemary and steep 10 minutes in a covered container.  Remove rosemary.  Sweeten with…

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A woman sitting at the table with a jar of marijuana.

My Favorite Herb Garden Tea

July 1, 2021

I often walk my herb garden with a colander. It’s fun to gather sprigs of fresh herbs for my teapot. Sometimes I harvest a bit of thyme and mint to give me energy for the day ahead. Other times I…

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