Welcome to Timeless Herbal Traditions
Throughout the ages, herbs have been accepted as a time-honored aspect of everyday life. Today, in a culture focused on medications and inundated with chemicals, we are rediscovering the simple beauty of herbs and how they can enrich our lives. My name is Kathy Stevens. I have been gardening, cooking, and crafting with herbs for the past 25 years. Herbs are a way of life for me. I’d love to have you join me on this journey. Listed below are a few options to help you explore the joys and benefits of an herbal lifestyle. Each is accessible via this website.
- Visit my blog to ensure that you’ll see all the latest updates
- Learn how to make herbs a part of your life with my books, The Herb Garden Club, season 1 and 2


Kathy Stevens
Master Herbalist
Kathy Stevens is a retired teacher, Master Gardener and certified Master Herbalist. For many years Kathy lived in California where she cared for a large herb garden at a local elementary school. She is past president of the San Joaquin Herb Society and the author of two herb books, The Herb Garden Club and The Herb Garden Club, season2.

Crestwood Herb Garden
A Quiet Place to Learn and Grow
In Visalia, California there is a wonderful herb garden located on the campus of Crestwood School. Twenty years ago students, teachers, and parents created this special place for everyone to enjoy. A wide variety of seasonal flowers, shrubs, and a Bay tree welcome visitors throughout the year.

Kathy’s Blog
Herbal activities and recipes inspired by Mother Earth
Twenty-five years ago, Kathy created her first herb garden. Lavender, mint, and rosemary were the first herbs to be planted. Many others soon joined this fragrant community. Watching them grow and prosper, Kathy wondered, what can I do with them? To learn what Kathy has discovered, visit her blog to find useful, imaginative, and sometimes tasty ways to bring herbs into your daily life.

Sir William the Robin
A Garden Guardian
Sir William is a friendly robin who loves to visit children and their herb gardens. Do you have a birdbath in your backyard? You may soon see William dipping his wings into the fresh water, then flipping it over his back. Such fun for me and other birds too.

Read The Herb Garden Club
A Collection of Herbal Activities and Stories for All Ages
Chapter by chapter, read the fascinating history and folklore of each herb. Enjoy modern day stories about children who love and enjoy using these herbs. The Herb Garden Club is a collection of herbal stories and activities for children of all ages. Available in Amazon.

The subject matter covered in this website is of a general nature and does not constitute medical, legal, or other professional advice for any specific individual or situation. Readers planning to take action in any of the areas that this website describes should seek advice from their doctors or specialists.