A Cup of Rosemary Tea

A cup of tea with some herbs on the side

Rosemary  Tea

You will need:   2 small rosemary sprigs and 1 cup boiling water

Put rosemary sprigs (2-3 inches) into your mug.  Pour water over the rosemary and steep 10 minutes in a covered container.  Remove rosemary.  Sweeten with honey if you wish.  I often add a bay, sage, or mint leaf to my cup.  A sprig of thyme also complements rosemary.  If using dried rosemary, use 2 teaspoon and steep as before.  Strain the tea before drinking

Now years later I continue to notice how my body loves rosemary tea.  Not only does the tea improve circulation in my legs, it also seems to strengthen my ability to think and remember.  I cannot resist making a teapot of rosemary tea when I have some serious paperwork or writing to do.  No more brain fog for me!  In my research on rosemary, I have learned that it is a source of vitamin A, B6, calcium, iron, and manganese.  It also contains antioxidants and flavonoids which make it a good way to address the aging process.  The literature I have read lists many other possible benefits that can be derived from drinking rosemary tea.  I look forward to learning more about all this herb has to offer us.  Meanwhile, I shall continue to sip my mug of rosemary tea.

Years ago I lived on a 20 acre citrus farm in central California.  An acre of this land was devoted to growing herbs. I planted parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme along with lavender, lemon balm, aloe, and so many others. Though our citrus was sold to grocery stores up and down the west coast, we also sold our fruit at Ferry Plaza Farmer’s Market on Saturdays. In addition to the citrus, I sold freshly harvested bundles of herbs to our customers. I would collect cutting of the herbs late Friday afternoon to ensure their freshness for market. Often I worked until midnight fashioning the herbs into eye-catching bouquets that could be used in the kitchen, the bath, or most anywhere. I loved seeing the happy expressions on people’s faces as they selected a bouquet to take home.

Of all the herbs I harvested for market, the scent of rosemary was the one that kept my spirits up, giving me energy to work late into the night. With so much to do, a rosemary bath was out of the question. But a cup of rosemary tea, now that would work.

As I sipped this piney, mint-like brew on Friday evenings, it was easier to stay on my feet and move through the work at hand.  I no longer sell citrus and herbs at farmer’s market, but I continue to make a cup of rosemary tea whenever energy and concentration are needed.  There are many ways to brew a cup of rosemary tea.  Below is the simple process I use.

Has anyone else been drinking rosemary tea?   I’d love to know about your experience with this amazing tea.

Note:  Before drinking rosemary tea, consult your physician if you are pregnant, on heart medications, diabetic, or have a gastrointestinal illness.  This blog entry is not intended as a medical reference, but as a source of information.  Before trying any herbal remedies, the reader is advised to sample a small quantity first to establish whether there is any adverse or allergic reaction.

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