Orange Clove Pomanders

A round cake with cinnamon sticks and chocolate chips.

In November I like to make orange pomander balls to scent my home. Lemons, limes, grapefruit, and even apples can be used to make pomander balls.

What is a pomander?

Pomanders are a mixture of fragrant, dried herbs in cloth bags. Medieval herbalists used them to ward off illness and bring good fortune.

A pomander ball is an orange or other firm piece of citrus that is studded with cloves and coated with a blend of spices and orris root. The orris root serves as a preservative.

Orange pomanders are easy to make. Play some of your favorite holiday music and enjoy the aromatic flavor the orange and spices.

*Stud a firm orange with cloves. A yarn needle or other sharp instrument can be used to poke a hole for the clove to enter.
*Arrange the cloves in a pattern. Martha Stewart places a rubber band on the fruit to create a line to follow. For a stronger aroma, cover the entire orange with cloves.
*Then roll the orange in a mixture of spices: 1 tsp cinnamon, 1 tsp cloves, 1 tbsp allspice, 1/4 c. powdered orris root. Leave the orange in the spice mix for 1 week, turning it once a day.