A bird is standing on the ground in front of a green background.

Meet Sir William

Hello! My name is Sir William. I am a friendly robin who loves to visit children and their herb gardens. I am also one of the main characters in the book entitled The Herb Garden by Kathy Stevens. If you have not read this book, I hope that you will. There are wonderful stories and recipes that show you, the reader, how to become a Jr. Herbalist.

A green background with an orange knot in the middle.


Perhaps you are finished reading The Herb Garden Club and are ready to become a Jr. Herbalist. To be a Jr. Herbalist you will need to complete the following tasks:

  • Plant an herb garden
  • Keep a journal with notes and drawings for each of the seven herbs.
  • Make at least three of the recipes for each herb.

If all three of these tasks have been completed, Kathy and I now confer upon you the title of Jr. Herbalist. We know you have spent a lot of time with these herbs and we are proud of your what you have accomplished. Be sure to make a copy of the Junior Herbalist certificate on page 155. Write your name on it and display it on your bedroom wall. And remember, share what you have learned about herbs with others.

A close up of green leaves on the ground
A green background with an orange knot in the middle.
A group of people sitting on the ground in a park.

What is my favorite herb?

I often spend time in the Crestwood garden. There are over thirty herbs in this garden and I like every one of them. However, there is one that I enjoy the most. Can you guess which one?
Did you guess peppermint? Yes, peppermint is my favorite. After the garden has been watered, I can hardly wait to brush my wings across the moist peppermint leaves. They are so refreshing. Even better, I love to spend time frolicking about in a peppermint birdbath.
Do you have a birdbath in your backyard? Pick some peppermint leaves and place them in the water. You may soon see me dipping my wings into the freshly minted water, then flipping it over my back. Such fun for me and other birds too.